
  1. Part of the toxic free revolution!

    The Natural Wonders Brand wordcloud Here at Natural Wonders, we are all about creating products that help you enjoy the outdoors without being eaten and without having to use toxic chemicals! For years, the only option available to protect yourself from mosquitos were products containing toxic chemicals like DEET (a proven neuro-toxin). This is what […]
  2. Ways to mosquito-proof your home

    There’s nothing worse than hearing that dreaded mozzie sound whirring around your head when you’re laying in bed. Luckily there are a lot of things we can do to minimize mosquitos getting into your home. Some tips to mozzie proof your home are: Maintain flywire screens on windows and doors If you live in a […]
  3. Looking to naturally protect yourself from bugs?

    Good Riddance Mozzie & Midgie Mousse® is our DEET-free tropical strength natural body cream which provides longer lasting outdoor protection. Our cosmetic chemist, Jeannie Lynch, developed the cream in order to protect her family while living in tropical Darwin. She was concerned about the toxic effects of conventional insect repellents so decided to research and develop an alternative that […]

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