Oil of Cloves
Oil of cloves is an essential oil produced from the clove bud. It has a powerful, warm, spicy scent and contains a number of chemical components that give it many useful properties.
The most useful property of Oil of Cloves is its powerful anti-fungal action which mean it is able to effectively kill mould spores and slow their regrowth. Cleaning genius Shannon Lush highly recommends the use of Oil of Cloves over other methods such as the use of chlorine bleach which only lightens the colour of the mould, not actually removing it.
To use Oil of Cloves on mouldy surfaces such as fabric, walls and couches, simply dilute ½ teaspoon in 1L of water, pour into a spray bottle and spray onto the affected area. Leave it to dry for 20 minutes before wiping the surface and then spraying the area again. Allow the area to dry for 24-48 hours and the mould spores will die and can then be brushed off.
To kill airborne mould spores, place a few drops of Oil of Cloves onto a cotton bud or a piece of jumbo chalk and put it into your cupboard. This will also help to deter cockroaches and moths.
A few drops of Oil of Cloves can also be mixed with leather cleaners and conditioners to help remove and prevent the growth of mould on leather couches and shoes.
Oil of Cloves is also useful as a pain reliever and has historically been used in the dental industry for toothache. It should be noted, however, that Oil of Cloves can be extremely irritating to the skin and as such should be diluted to below 1% before being used on the skin.
You can buy it online at http://natural-wonders.com.au/index.php/essential-oils/oil-of-cloves-10ml.html.
Have you tried our Oil of Cloves yet? Let us know what you think.